Sunday, November 23, 2008

Post #4

In this post I have finished the Iliad, and overall I enjoyed it. The characters were very interesting to see develop, mainly Odysseus though. I really enjoyed the evolution of Odysseus as a character, because I was able to get a much better background of him. Having the additional information of him, such as actual depictions of his heroism in battle, help me better understand people's adoration of him in The Odyssey. I was usually confused at how so many people could like him so much, and I was unable to think of any act of his, that would make him so well liked, and revered by so many people everywhere. Overall, I think that this was a good book, and now I understand the Odyssey much better, and I may have to read it again. I recommend this book to anyone who has, or is going to read the Odyssey.

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