Sunday, December 7, 2008

Post #7

This weekend I chose to read an article about the economic crisis, and how Best Buy is dealing with it. With Circuit City recently filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy, Best Buy has to be on their toes, and try and stay above the water until these economic hardships pass. One way that the author says that this can be done, has already happened, their success during the Black Friday sales. They also have to make sure that they keep their prices and products competitive with other chains, to make sure that they are at least staying with them, even if they can't beat them. I think that Best Buy will be able to succeed in these tough times, because they are a favorite and regular store for anyone that purchases gadgets, games, etc. They have always been my source of entertainment related paraphernalia, and they always will be, because they have the products I am looking for, and they are an extremely dependable store.

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